Friday, September 4, 2020

Ferntastic: A Webinar All About Ferns Tuesday, September 22

The Bartlett Arboretum in Stamford is hosting a webinar on September 22 from 10 am - 11:30 p.m. on ferns. This program will cover several aspects of ferns that should be of interest to all plant lovers! We will discuss the distinctive life cycle of ferns and how knowledge of it is useful in growing ferns from spores.

Several fern species that are common in cultivation will be discussed, especially how to identify them. Also, economically important ferns (bracken fern, mosquito fern, and ostrich fern) will be explained. Finally, several unusual ferns will be highlighted, such as those with iridescent leaves and others having symbiotic relationships with ants.

This online discussion will be led by Dr. Robbin Moran. He studies ferns and lycophytes, mostly in the American tropics, and especially in Central America and the Andes. Besides research, he also teaches a five-week-long graduate-level course, Tropical Plant Systematics, in Costa Rica for the Organization of Tropical Studies. Currently, Dr. Moran has a three-year grant from the United States National Science Foundation (with Kimberly Watson) to digitize and image the approximately 250,000 specimens of ferns and lycophytes in the NYBG’s herbarium.
Admission is $10 for Bartlett members and $20 for non-members. If you are interested in becoming a member, please click here. Register for this event now by clicking on the button below!

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