The Foundations popular "Star Party" takes place on June 28 and is organized by the members of the
Litchfield Hills Amateur Astronomy
Club and the Mattatuck Astronomical Society. Weather permitting; there will be
stargazing after the program. 8:00 p.m., Meet at the A. B. Cedar Room. Children under 16 must be
accompanied by an adult. You are invited to bring your own telescope or
binoculars. FREE… Donations will be
accepted to help defray the Conservation Center’s programming expenses.
Starting on June 29 and going through July 5, kids under 12 will get free admission to the museum when accompanied by an adult. There is so much to see and do in the museum before heading out to explore the grounds of this beautifully preserved sanctuary.
On June 29, David K. Leff will present a talk on Ash trees called Twilight for Ash Trees: Shadow on Craft and Culture. Ash trees are noted as “one of the greatest gifts
with which nature has endowed man … over the course of human history,” ash
trees are rapidly disappearing from our roadsides and forests. Discover
why they are dying and why the loss will likely have a larger impact on culture
than ecology. Join award-winning author and former Department of
Environmental Protection Deputy Commissioner David K. Leff for a slide-illustrated
talk that will take you from forests to the workshops of craftsmen who fashion
everything from snowshoes to museum-worthy baskets commanding tens of thousands
of dollars. Explore the deep connection between nature and culture! 6:00
p.m., A. B. Cedar Room, Dinner is included. Please BYOB and your own place
setting. Pre-registration and pre-payment are required. Call 860-567-0857 or
register online: This program is $35.00 for both Members and Non-Members.