For 105 years Westport's Minute Man Monument has honored the heroism of local patriots who took up their own arms in "a minute's notice" to defend their country when British forces invaded Connecticut on April 25, 1777.
On Sunday April 26th, let's come together on Minute Man Day as a community to celebrate Westport's iconic, newly restored Minute Man Monument, whose bronze patriot with a muzzleloader in hand waits and eyes peeled, for British troops. The day will provide people of all ages opportunities to explore Westport's colorful history through engaging activities sponsored by Westport Historical Society, Westport Library and Westport Young Woman's League.
The day starts in the morning with the 37th Annual Minute Man Race, which begins and ends at Compo Beach. From 10 am to 5 pm at Jesup Green, you can visit a recreated Revolutionary War militia encampment. Next, join the Westport Historical Society at Ned Dimes Marina, Compo Beach, for a guided walking tour to the Minute Man Monument. Afterwards, spend the afternoon at the Westport Library where, beginning at 2:30pm, you can learn how Francis Miller of ConserveArt, LLC restored the Monument, and hear Ed Hynes present an engaging interpretation of the April 1777 battle.

Minute Man Day Events8:30 am: Minute Man Race, Compo Beach
For information, race times and registration, visit
www.minutemanrace.comThe WYWL will celebrate its 37th Minute Man Race on Sunday. This is a 5K and 10K Race that begins and ends at Compo Beach. There is also a kid's fun run held on the baseball field at the beach. It's fun for the whole family and a great way to welcome spring.
Race Start times
8:30AM – Kids' Fun Run (on field w/basketball courts near marina)
8:30AM – 5K Run/Walk
8:40AM – 10K Run
11 am- 5 pm: Sons of the American Revolution Encampment, Jesup Green
Encampment - Free
Jesup Green: Visit a recreated Revolutionary militia encampment and learn about the American Revolution from CT Society of the Sons of the American Revolution Color Guards who will perform musket firing demonstrations. For information,
Noon -2 pm: Minute Man Walking Tours, Ned Dimes Marina, Compo Beach
Rain or shine; No dogs permitted
Advance reservations encouraged: Westport Historical Society, call 203-222-1424
Tours leave every 15 minutes: Noon; 12:15; 12:30; 12:45; 1:00; 1:15; 1:30; and 1:45
$10 donation for Adults; Youth, 12 and under free; Payments may be made at the Historical Society or on site.
(Net proceeds will be donated to the ongoing care of the monument.)
Meet at the Ned Dimes Marina at Compo Beach for a 25-minute docent-led talk on the history of the Minute Man, with a stop at the Revolutionary War cemetery. Inside Ned Dimes Marina, visitors can wait for tour to begin, watch I Love Lucy's famous last episode featuring The Minute Man, read information on the monument, and kids can enjoy Minute Man activities.
Parking is located in a designated area within the gates at Compo Beach and the adjacent parking lot. You do not need a beach sticker; parking is free.
Handicap Drop-off: at The Minute Man Monument, with police presence
2:30–4:00 pm: Minute Man Lectures, McManus Room, Westport Library
Town Curator, Kathie Bennewitz introduces the program and how The Minute Man became a town symbol; learn how Francis Miller of ConserveArt, LLC restored The Minute Man, H. Daniel Webster's life-sized figure commissioned by the State of Connecticut and the Sons of the American Revolution and dedicated on June 17, 1910.
History Storyteller Ed Hynes will present an interpretation of the Danbury Raid. Hynes first became interested in the raid as a child when he learned his neighbor's house was partially burned by the British during the raid. On April 25, 1777, Tryon's forces landed on what is now Westport's Compo Beach. As the British marched to Danbury the Patriots mustered their forces under the command of Major Gen. David Wooster and Brigadier Generals Benedict Arnold and Gold Selleck Silliman. What happens next to the British on their four-day raid and to the Patriots in their attempt to deny them safe return to their ships is a white-knuckle story of the men fighting for their lives and their countries. For information,